The Good News, or the Gospel, is the main message given to us through the Bible – God’s Holy word. To understand what the Good News is all about and why it is truly amazing news, it’s important to first understand the story of the Bible.

The Story of the Bible

Watch this short 5-minute illustrated video by the BibleProject to get an overview of the Bible story.

God has a message for you today:

” You are


. “

Jesus loves you so much that he sacrificed everything to save you from the darkness of this world and give you abundant life!

That’s why

Jesus is . . .

. . . the Way

When God created humankind, he made us in his image and called us his children. God gave us free will because he loves us, and he wants us to choose to love him, too. 

And so, with our free will, we were (and still are) given a choice: to live our lives with and for God trusting that his ways are good, or to be our own gods and live life our own way.

Ultimately, humanity chose to go it’s own way. This choice separated us from God and allowed darkness and sin to enter the world.

But God loves us so much that he sent his only son, Jesus, to make a way – the only way – for us to be in eternal relationship with the Father again!

. . . the Truth

Jesus is called the Living Word of God because he reveals to us the true character of God through his life. He is the Truth that opens our eyes and sets us free!

Jesus shows us what it means to truly live our lives for God – a life of love, grace, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, mercy, justice, patience and faithfulness.

The truth is. . . Jesus – being fully God and fully man – laid down his life for us and was crucified on the cross, on which he paid for all of our iniquities, sins and illnesses and in three days he was raised to life again. Jesus has conquered death forever and in turn has granted us access to eternal life with God!

. . . the Life

The eternal life with God that Jesus gives us is the greatest gift we could ever receive. This gift is not something we could ever earn, not even through a lifetime of good deeds; It’s by God’s grace alone that we have life with Him through Jesus.

Life with God is filled with joy and goodness! Yes, we still live in a world tainted by sin and darkness (until Jesus returns to rid the world of evil for good).

But even the darkest of days on this earth cannot begin to compare with the everlasting glory of God!

God has proven his great love and faithfullness to us at the cross. What better way to thank him than by accepting his gift of righteousness and giving our lives back to him in return?