You can start following Jesus right where you are. Here’s a few steps you can take now.
Talk with God
The Bible tells us that God hears our every prayer – not because we know all the right things to say, or because our words are persuasive – but because God loves us and he wants to listen.
Talk with God – tell him your worries, cares, doubts, pains, joys and everything in between. He wants to listen, and he will respond.
Don’t know how to begin? Follow Jesus’ example; “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:9-13).

Connect with other Christians
An important part of growing in your walk with Jesus is connecting with other Christians. Being part of a community can provide the support you need through life’s ups and downs – to learn, grow and step into a life of freedom and
fullness in Christ.
Not sure where to start? We’re here to help!
We’re currently building a catelogue of local churches and other Christain communities that are excited to welcome you in. Click the “Get Connected” button to explore communities near you.
Study the Bible

The Bible is much more than a history book – it’s the living word of God! It acts as our compass, pointing us straight toward God so that we can know him and live in his good and perfect ways.
It’s important to study the Bible so that we can; understand where we come from, know Jesus and what he has done for us, know God’s purpose for us, and understand how to live according to righteousness.
Don’t have access to the Bible? Our friends at YWAM Tasmania want to give you a FREE copy! Simply click the button below to submit an order form, and we’ll contact you soon to finalize your order.
*Please Note: We are only able to offer free Bibles to those currently residing in Tasmania, Australia.