Volunteer Registration

Would you like to help distribute Bibles? Register as a volunteer by filling out this form. We can’t wait to partner with you!

About the Bible Distribution Project

The Bible Distribution Project was initiated in 2019 by  Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Tasmania, a Christian missions organization dedicated to knowing God and making God known. The project began with an idea to distribute Bibles to every home in Sorell, Tasmania as part of a greater movement to end Bible poverty. The distribution was set to start in 2021 in alignment with the 200 year anniversary of the Sorell’s historical naming. In sharing the idea with a few local churches, the project has grown into a much larger initiative – to distribute a Bible to every home in Tasmania.

Check out the original project on YWAM Tasmania’s website by clicking the button below.

Romans 10:14

What is Truth for Tassie?

Truth for Tassie is not an organization, church or ministry – it is an initiative of YWAM Tasmania, in conjunction with YWAM Tasmania’s Bible Distribution project and in partnership with local churches across Tasmania. The aim of Truth for Tassie is to create an instrument through which new followers of Jesus Christ (or those curious about Jesus) can easily become connected with the local church and find the resources they need to begin their journey with God.

Truth for Tassie is also used as a platform for volunteers to register for the Bible Distribution Project.

© 2024 Truth for Tassie

An initiative of Youth With A Mission Tasmania, in partnership with the local churches of Tasmania.